Exploiting the power of technology in special education to improve educational opportunities for children, youth, and adults with disabilities.

The Co-Planner: Two Teachers + One Plan for Co-Teaching

This unique lesson plan book is designed to be cleted and shared between a general education teacher and a special education teacher.

The fourth edition of this best-selling plan book has been revised and updated to gather evidence of academic and behavioral adaptations as required by IDEA. In addition, planning tools for standard and modified assessment will facilitate efforts to monitor student performance and achievement goals.

Includes weekly strategies and monthly notes from the author that offer insight about the value, the art, and the impact of co-teaching. Supports 36-weeks.

Handbook of Special Education Technology Research and Practic5

The first authoritative, comprehensive, single-volume reference book documenting the latest research and practice developments in special education technology. Contains 41 chapters prepared by 84 well-known authors.

An essential desk reference for assistive technology specialists, teachers, administrators, teacher educators, graduate students, researchers, grant writers, developers, policy makers, resource centers, and libraries.

Maps of the Literature

How would you like to have the special education technology literature at your fingertips? The 2010 Review of the Special Education Technology Literature is now available. Continuing his committment to helping busy special education technology leaders stay up-to-date on the latest advances in our profession, Prof. Edyburn has created a colorful map of the special education technology literature that allows users to locate specific articles of interest in a matter of minutes. Each 16x21 color poster is accompanied by a 12-page biliography containing over 300 important articles. This new tool will allow you to create a personal reading list that is just the right size and has just the right focus to inform your work. Available for 2010, 2009, 2008, and 2007. Learn More.